Serious Magical Practice and Cosmological Preference
(too old to reply)
2004-08-26 21:34:33 UTC
50040826 viii om!

# Alexander Mulligan:
#> Rick:
#># Old Coyote:
#>#> "Rick" <***@iopanIsRetired.yahoo.com>:
#>#># It would be very helpful if you described what is entailed in the
#>#># "actual serious practice of magick."

typically the purpose describes the seriousness of the endeavour,
rather than the method, but sometimes ceremonialists distinguish
certain methodological criteria (standards of construction,
attention to symbolic detail, timing, symbolism surrounding even
the *construction* of the operating tools themselves) which are
deemed 'serious' and compared with refinements worked on tools or
the intricate technology constructed by engineers in fine sciences.

in occult circles the evidence of 'serious practice' typically
revolves around the product or the cost of the engagement to the
occultist. with the product, an extended lavish expanse of temple
and tool may be seen. the seriousness is exhibited through technik
of tool-construction and the care and detail provided to the active
props and ornaments of the Art. with the cost of engagement, the
occultist is seen doing what is regarded as magic a good amount of
time or expending for things required in practice and it impacts hir
available resources and time in obvious ways. magicians who believe
that constant practice, rites, of purifying, spellcasting, whatever,
is imperative to being powerful and/or successful, will implement a
routine of daily and/or more frequent rites and disciplines, either
as a fortification and/or consolidation of power from which to
operate, or as preparation for all future endeavours (enlarging
the operating batterly/power available). what is entailed in the
actual serious practice of magic for these latter will include all
manner of spiritual disciplines, observances, ordeals, etc., and
more likely than not adherence to some doctrinal knowledge-set.

the first might be asked to explain how the tools have been crafted
to fit into the ceremonial tradition which inspired them, what raw
materials were used and how their crafting was timed and in what
conditions (external *+* internal) the tools were constructed.
this would identify the person at least knowledgeable about such
'serious practice', and especially if they could then explain how
the tools they'd crafted were used, demonstrate it, etc., we could
see quite readily that someone was knowledgeable, and, to the
extent that they actually made and used the tools, were engaged in
identifiable serious magical practice.

the second batch (cost of engagement) might be asked what motivates
them to devote themselves to such expenditures of time and energy.
whatever the response, they may have some ideas or feelings about
it and therefore could convey the 'seriousness of their practice'
as regards the intensity of their involvement when providing a
clear reflection of their activities and what these include. while
the craftsperson and dramatist might give clear liturgical and
blocking instruction, even combining this with theoretical under-
pinnings which relate to what is supposed to happen during the
Magical Operation, the ceremonial gymnast will be more familiar
with the psychology and rigor of routine meditative and trance
exercises. what the latter regards as 'serious' will tend toward
the sincere approach and sustained discipline of *any* type,
whereas the former will correctly see attention to trapments
as one of the most visible examples of serious practice.

#>#># We already know what is entailed in what you've defined as
#>#># a "lower caste,"

strange terminology

#>#># because that's published all over the
#>#># place. Now we need to understand what your comparing to it.

#>#> ...the real practice of magick is based upon a proper
#>#> understanding of the nature of ritual.

this emphasizes the effects of practice internally and how such
effects might be refined, pinpointed, and become part of an
overall 'career' as a magician-mystic.

#> You are wasting your time. Old Coyote knows as little about magick as
#> you do. Both of you are addicted to the physical science paradigm ...

physical science paradigm doesn't require that magick be inessential
or based on fallacies. physical science, for example, might allow in
through the back door a style of Natural Magic, for example, as long
as there are refinements on combinations between enculturation,
genetics, and magical styles to reach effective results. there may
be insufficient experimentation, for example, to have properly
examined and analyzed the methodology of magic before dismissing
it as proto-science or failed scientific enterprises.

compare this with addiction, in which something impedes healthful
operation or function due to its routinized or emphacized role
and negative side-effects. a preference for materialism doesn't
debilitate magic *necessarily*. one may come from a materialistic
background (as I have) and overcome one's conditioning to the
point that one might appreciate magical activity for itself,
then, like so many religious enterprises, see what actuality
results from the activities described in fantastic and trans-
material ways. it doesn't all have to be 'bad' or 'worthless'.

knowing about magic isn't a paradigmatic litmus either. some of the
best reporting on the operations and procedures of magicians has
been recorded by those with a keen attention to material detail
in the disciplines of anthropology and history of science.

"Martin Swain" <***@hotmail.com>:
# Actually I'm addicted to pussy.

that's a different kind of conception. ;>

2004-08-30 06:08:28 UTC
50040829 viii om

***@yahoo.com (Nihilist):
# OK, so magick really is a Romantic pursuit.

you seem to mean one which produces only fantasy-results,
or consoles or enthuses the *artistic aesthetics* of those
who in some measure engage it, that its effective results
are those of experiencing the rites, performing them.
you mention no spiritual repercussions beyond these.

# I have no problem with that. Some people like ballet,
# some people like painting, some people like jazz,
# some people like ceremonial magick. No problem.

there is a greater authority associated with it, due to
its cosmological dimension and relation to the divine.
acting on behalf of the divinity enables one to condone
all manner of travesty inclusive of warfare and bloodshed.
it will therefore be more difficult to compare with ordinary
arts such as those you mention. exceptions are those which
are given official sanction or enshrined within sectors of
religion (Tea Ceremony, Sand Painting (incl. mandalas), etc.).

the secular may be distinguished by the diminished descent
of the artisanry of divinity and enthusiasm therewith.
the Creation doing the creating is inferior, the God is
like the Power Man, calling the shots for His purposes,
and people must conform thereafter given the cosmology.

do I believe that theurges harness divinity? some do,
and these are true magicians; supplicants merely pray.

# So whenever I'm doing ceremonial rituals, I'm working
# on my stagecraft skills, my theatrical repertoire, and
# my artistic coordination.

sounds like practice for statesmanship and courtesanry.
polishing performance and the mask of interface is a boon
from such gods as Mercury and those of the Crossroads.

star gods, seeking to harness, dominate and exploit Nature
for some transcendental aim seems heinously rogue to me,
so I like to get some notion of the overall cosmology from
which any particular grimoire proceeds.

spells from these orientations may have political or at
least social aims. it is likely that if they become at all
routine, they will have some ideals/instruction alongside.
matriculating orders such as the Goldawnians keep this
kind of knowledge-sideline going. Rosicrucians and other
Hermetic magicians do likewise. presumably doctrines are
considered potentially reconcilable (through legitimizing),
but how they ought be reconciled is not included in core
doctrines I've perused to date. some AA groups, for example,
indicate within a History Lection that the intention is
pancultural ceremonialism inspiring mass-transcendance --
a kind of aspiration to Neo-Platonic norms.

as such, leverage on instruction of all *approved* knowledge
would become the concern of the expanding gnostikultist.

# The complexity is starting to make sense now.

like keeping plates spinning

# ...the utility of the Goetia?

practical magic:

maybe the treasures have all been found? :>


integrative, psychoidal unitive transcendance, they say;
I don't know the data on success rates; but the
transgressive/thrillseeking nature of demon evocation
appears to be an extreme method to attain.

constructive context:

Christian/RCatholic? (1500s?)


general utility:

malignant at worst, irrascible and appealing at best;
spirits of The Lesser Key are corrosive magical beings
whose natures are better left to adepts and mystics.

in particular:
given the poor showing in the grimoire itself (its
rudimentary style in comparison with some others --
perhaps it simply isn't a refined and polished gem)
how its hierarchic flavour pans out, and the cautions
provided to the reader, it is unlikely that this text
will become, of its own, a major occult hit; as cursory]
examination of the text once more indicates boons that
the spirits are said to be able to bring to bear for
the exorcist (some quite fabulous):

01-makes you insible
02-teaches languages, can cause earthquakes
03-"of a Good Nature"; declares things Past and to Come
04-teaches liberal sciences
05-causes/cures diseases
08-"breaketh the Hidden Treasures open that
have been laid by the Enchantments of
45-"builds Towers, overthrow Great Stone Walls,
and make the Waters rough with Storms"

magical analysis
further notes: numerology/symbolism

the 72 listed spirits in the directory
are set into 7 planetary office levels
within the grimoire as below. my count
of them is as follows:


from the same document:

"These 72 Kings be under the Power of Amaymon,
Corson, Zimimay or Ziminiar, and Goap, who are
the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters,
or Cardinal Points [ed. note: These four Great Kings
are usually called Oriens, or Uriens, Paymon, or
Paymonia, Ariton or Egyn, and Amaymon or Amaimon.
By the Rabbins they are frequently entitled: Samael,
Azazel, Azael, and Mahazael.], viz.: East, West,
North, and South, and are not to be called forth
except it be upon Great Occasions; but are to be
Invocated and Commanded to send such or such a
Spirit that is under their Power and Rule, as is
shown in the following Invocations or Conjurations.
And the Chief Kings may be bound from 9 till
12 o'clock at Noon, and from 3 until sunset;
Marquises may be bound from 3 in the afternoon
till 9 at Night, and from 9 at Night till Sunrise;
Dukes may be bound from Sunrise till Noonday in
Clear Weather; Prelates may be bound any hour of
the Day; Knights may from Dawning of Day till
Sunrise, or from 4 o'clock till Sunset; Presidents
may be bound at any time, excepting Twilight, at
Night, unless the King whom they are under be
Invocated; and Counties or Earles any hour of the
Day, so it be in Woods, or any other places whither
men resort not, or where no noise is...."
"The Goetia: the lesser key of Solomon the King:
Lemegeton-Clavicula Salomonis Regis, book one;
tr. Mathers; ed. Crowley, secondarily H.Beta;
Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1995; p. 67.

utility-demerit: complex timing

so it might be a bit complicated with all these
timing requirements. also, it appears that some of
the spirits take more than one office. counting
here I notice there are 79 *offices* assigned
herein. analyzing these:

01 S (SUN; BAEL, Runyon's Neopagan Lord; 29=Astaroth)
02 V (VENUS)
03 J (JUPITER; VASSAGO, Runyon's prophetic spirit)
04 L (LUNA)

<snipping now throughout>

17 R (MARS)

21 M R
25 M R
27 L R
33 J M
45 S R


61 S M
these 6 are duplicated in the table within the
Lesser Key attributing Planetary Offices. this
means that there are

* 79 Offices

which are distributed unto

* 72 spirits

overseen by 4 Maharajas (Great Kings) of the Quarters
who are:

Amaymon, Corson, Zimimay/Ziminiar, and Goap

said to be:

"the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters"
says the editor (H.Beta, apparently, maybe Crowley),
which the same source says are equivalent to:

(EAST) Amaymon: Oriens/Uriens, Samael,

(WEST) Corson: Paymon/Paymonia, Azazel,

(NORTH) Zimimay/Ziminiar: Ariton/Egyn, Azael

(SOUTH) Goap: Amaymon/Amaimon, Mahazael

these kings are *INVOKED*, so their character ought to be
some indicator of the utility of the system to the mage.
if one is amenable to such invocations (who are these
spirits? where is their best descriptions?) then the aims
supposed at the selection of the magician may be achievable.

from whence do these equivalances/cardinalities derive?
Weyer? where are the character of these kings indicated?

# Or is it entirely a Romantic pursuit?

it is the artifice of foundation (history, contextual
descriptor despite the actuality, etc.) which is romantic.
the results are either presumed to be realistic, or
it is chalked up to a weakness or failure of the magician.

***@nagasiva; http://www.satanservice.org/
emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired;
HOODOO CATALOGUE! send street addy to: ***@luckymojo.com
2004-08-30 11:17:55 UTC
Post by nagasiva
overseen by 4 Maharajas (Great Kings) of the Quarters
Amaymon, Corson, Zimimay/Ziminiar, and Goap
"the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters"
says the editor (H.Beta, apparently, maybe Crowley),
(EAST) Amaymon: Oriens/Uriens, Samael,
(WEST) Corson: Paymon/Paymonia, Azazel,
(NORTH) Zimimay/Ziminiar: Ariton/Egyn, Azael
(SOUTH) Goap: Amaymon/Amaimon, Mahazael
.........and are you absolutely certain of their gender?
Alexander Mulligan
2004-08-30 11:21:50 UTC
Post by MDHJWH
Post by nagasiva
overseen by 4 Maharajas (Great Kings) of the Quarters
Amaymon, Corson, Zimimay/Ziminiar, and Goap
"the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters"
says the editor (H.Beta, apparently, maybe Crowley),
(EAST) Amaymon: Oriens/Uriens, Samael,
(WEST) Corson: Paymon/Paymonia, Azazel,
(NORTH) Zimimay/Ziminiar: Ariton/Egyn, Azael
(SOUTH) Goap: Amaymon/Amaimon, Mahazael
.........and are you absolutely certain of their gender?
And this information is good for exactly what?

(besides wowing the peasants, I mean)

Bells Ring Under Cerulean Ecstasy
2004-08-30 14:32:41 UTC
Post by MDHJWH
Post by nagasiva
overseen by 4 Maharajas (Great Kings) of the Quarters
Amaymon, Corson, Zimimay/Ziminiar, and Goap
"the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters"
says the editor (H.Beta, apparently, maybe Crowley),
(EAST) Amaymon: Oriens/Uriens, Samael,
(WEST) Corson: Paymon/Paymonia, Azazel,
(NORTH) Zimimay/Ziminiar: Ariton/Egyn, Azael
(SOUTH) Goap: Amaymon/Amaimon, Mahazael
.........and are you absolutely certain of their gender?
Can we be absolutely certain of any of the qualities of such entities?
2004-08-31 02:52:16 UTC
Post by Tom
Post by MDHJWH
.........and are you absolutely certain of their gender?
Can we be absolutely certain of any of the qualities of such entities?
Fools rush is where angels fear to tread.
2004-08-30 12:50:00 UTC
Post by nagasiva
50040829 viii om
# OK, so magick really is a Romantic pursuit.
you seem to mean one which produces only fantasy-results,
or consoles or enthuses the *artistic aesthetics* of those
who in some measure engage it, that its effective results
are those of experiencing the rites, performing them.
you mention no spiritual repercussions beyond these.
I'm hoping Goetic work produces cool results. My experiments haven't
been successful, though (see thread "Discussing Magick: Utility of the

Perhaps I don't muster enough belief. However, I'm unaware of anyone
else demonstrating that the Goetic "demons" can do what they're said
to be able to do. That's unfortunate, but maybe there is some way to
get the results described.

I don't see anything wrong with regarding evocation as a Romantic
pursuit devoid of extraordinary results. There can be enjoyment in the
practice of evocation itself, much like with dancing, calligraphy,
archery, rollerblading, etc. All depends on the person.
2004-08-31 02:53:17 UTC
Post by Nihilist
Post by nagasiva
50040829 viii om
# OK, so magick really is a Romantic pursuit.
you seem to mean one which produces only fantasy-results,
or consoles or enthuses the *artistic aesthetics* of those
who in some measure engage it, that its effective results
are those of experiencing the rites, performing them.
you mention no spiritual repercussions beyond these.
I'm hoping Goetic work produces cool results. My experiments haven't
been successful, though (see thread "Discussing Magick: Utility of the
Perhaps I don't muster enough belief.
Believing is seeing?
2004-08-31 05:54:54 UTC
Post by MDHJWH
Post by Nihilist
Perhaps I don't muster enough belief.
Believing is seeing?
It's often interpreted that way. See?
2004-08-31 07:56:58 UTC
Post by MDHJWH
Post by Nihilist
Perhaps I don't muster enough belief.
Believing is seeing?
It would seem so. In a reply to me and others, nagasiva wrote:

a goodly number of the ceremonial (hermetic)
magical practices are supposed to have gradual
and specialized repercussions, sometimes said to
require belief in them and their effectiveness.
thus 'trying some of them' may not be considered
sufficient exposure to see results, depending
on the duration of your exposure and the level
of expertise of your instruction/practice. at a
certain level 'dabbling' will be insufficient.

However, in the case of failure with Goetic evocation and many other
practices, the difficulty is finding the right reason for the failure.
Some of the known reasons may appear to be weak ad hoc hypotheses or
underhand explanations, but it's very important to keep an open mind
when studying magick. In the past, I assembled a brief list of

"You are lusting for results."
"The universe has other plans for you."
"You have conflicting interests."
"Your karma is preventing success."
"You aren't believing hard enough." <------- there it is
"You messed up the ritual somehow."
"It's not in line with your True Will."
"You are interfering with the Great Work."
"Your Higher Self thwarted the operation."
"An Ascended Master thwarted the operation."
"A malevolent entity thwarted the operation."
"God/Goddess thwarted the operation."
"Wrong phase of the moon."
"Not part of your magical specialty."
"Other reason."

The idea is to use a pendulum or ouija board to find the right reason.
As magicians, we sometimes experience difficulties fitting the data to
our theories, so we have to hone our observation skills and pay close
attention. The above list of common reasons for failure is
comprehensive--you've got your "other reason" included there for good
measure--but it may be desirable to add cases of negative psi,
negative-energy environments, anti-psychic psychic powers, and a host
of other plausible explanations.
2004-08-30 21:00:07 UTC
Post by nagasiva
50040829 viii om
# OK, so magick really is a Romantic pursuit.
you seem to mean one which produces only fantasy-results,
or consoles or enthuses the *artistic aesthetics* of those
who in some measure engage it, that its effective results
are those of experiencing the rites, performing them.
you mention no spiritual repercussions beyond these.
Wouldn't you say that a Romantic pursuit can also extend to include
spiritual practices etc.. I would say it can :-)

[snip Down to Goetia]

I wrote in an earlier post "While the Goetia has been rather heavily
romanised, my own study of it is that it is likely a rather an
unworkable utility. In saying that however, I will state that I have
only superficial experience of the
Diabolic Rites - and thus i do accept that potentially a magician (or
witch) skilled in these areas could potentially manifest a coherent
mental production using the Goetia for example. If so then (I suspect)
the dichotomy of 'real and unreal' needs to be removed from the Goetia
in order for the magician/witch to establish that programmatic space
whence the magician/witch would work from. Upon doing that, perhaps
then it is feasible that the mental production of
the sort of cosmology/system within the Goetia could provide the
formation of the various forces within a ceremonial or astral
environment, however it is not the sort of system I would choice to

Could you please share some additional insight or light on the above
Post by nagasiva
# ...the utility of the Goetia?
maybe the treasures have all been found? :>
integrative, psychoidal unitive transcendance, they say;
I don't know the data on success rates; but the
transgressive/thrillseeking nature of demon evocation
appears to be an extreme method to attain.
Christian/RCatholic? (1500s?)
malignant at worst, irrascible and appealing at best;
spirits of The Lesser Key are corrosive magical beings
whose natures are better left to adepts and mystics.
given the poor showing in the grimoire itself (its
rudimentary style in comparison with some others --
perhaps it simply isn't a refined and polished gem)
how its hierarchic flavour pans out, and the cautions
provided to the reader, it is unlikely that this text
will become, of its own, a major occult hit; as cursory]
examination of the text once more indicates boons that
the spirits are said to be able to bring to bear for
01-makes you insible
02-teaches languages, can cause earthquakes
03-"of a Good Nature"; declares things Past and to Come
04-teaches liberal sciences
05-causes/cures diseases
08-"breaketh the Hidden Treasures open that
have been laid by the Enchantments of
45-"builds Towers, overthrow Great Stone Walls,
and make the Waters rough with Storms"
magical analysis
further notes: numerology/symbolism
the 72 listed spirits in the directory
are set into 7 planetary office levels
within the grimoire as below. my count
"These 72 Kings be under the Power of Amaymon,
Corson, Zimimay or Ziminiar, and Goap, who are
the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters,
or Cardinal Points [ed. note: These four Great Kings
are usually called Oriens, or Uriens, Paymon, or
Paymonia, Ariton or Egyn, and Amaymon or Amaimon.
By the Rabbins they are frequently entitled: Samael,
Azazel, Azael, and Mahazael.], viz.: East, West,
North, and South, and are not to be called forth
except it be upon Great Occasions; but are to be
Invocated and Commanded to send such or such a
Spirit that is under their Power and Rule, as is
shown in the following Invocations or Conjurations.
And the Chief Kings may be bound from 9 till
12 o'clock at Noon, and from 3 until sunset;
Marquises may be bound from 3 in the afternoon
till 9 at Night, and from 9 at Night till Sunrise;
Dukes may be bound from Sunrise till Noonday in
Clear Weather; Prelates may be bound any hour of
the Day; Knights may from Dawning of Day till
Sunrise, or from 4 o'clock till Sunset; Presidents
may be bound at any time, excepting Twilight, at
Night, unless the King whom they are under be
Invocated; and Counties or Earles any hour of the
Day, so it be in Woods, or any other places whither
men resort not, or where no noise is...."
Lemegeton-Clavicula Salomonis Regis, book one;
tr. Mathers; ed. Crowley, secondarily H.Beta;
Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1995; p. 67.
utility-demerit: complex timing
so it might be a bit complicated with all these
timing requirements. also, it appears that some of
the spirits take more than one office. counting
here I notice there are 79 *offices* assigned
01 S (SUN; BAEL, Runyon's Neopagan Lord; 29=Astaroth)
02 V (VENUS)
03 J (JUPITER; VASSAGO, Runyon's prophetic spirit)
04 L (LUNA)
<snipping now throughout>
17 R (MARS)
21 M R
25 M R
27 L R
33 J M
45 S R
61 S M
these 6 are duplicated in the table within the
Lesser Key attributing Planetary Offices. this
means that there are
* 79 Offices
which are distributed unto
* 72 spirits
overseen by 4 Maharajas (Great Kings) of the Quarters
Amaymon, Corson, Zimimay/Ziminiar, and Goap
"the Four Great Kings ruling in the Four Quarters"
says the editor (H.Beta, apparently, maybe Crowley),
(EAST) Amaymon: Oriens/Uriens, Samael,
(WEST) Corson: Paymon/Paymonia, Azazel,
(NORTH) Zimimay/Ziminiar: Ariton/Egyn, Azael
(SOUTH) Goap: Amaymon/Amaimon, Mahazael
these kings are *INVOKED*, so their character ought to be
some indicator of the utility of the system to the mage.
if one is amenable to such invocations (who are these
spirits? where is their best descriptions?) then the aims
supposed at the selection of the magician may be achievable.
from whence do these equivalances/cardinalities derive?
Weyer? where are the character of these kings indicated?
# Or is it entirely a Romantic pursuit?
it is the artifice of foundation (history, contextual
descriptor despite the actuality, etc.) which is romantic.
the results are either presumed to be realistic, or
it is chalked up to a weakness or failure of the magician.
2004-08-31 08:44:45 UTC
50040830 viii om HAPPY LUNATIX!

***@yahoo.com (Nihilist):
]> # OK, so magick really is a Romantic pursuit.

]> you seem to mean one which produces only fantasy-results,

***@snap.net.nz (Whareatua):
# Wouldn't you say that a Romantic pursuit can also extend
# to include spiritual practices etc...[?]

it could. a parlour game like spirit boards or bloody mary
or a card game might be turned to the purpose of promotion
of esoteric mysteries and spiritual instructions with the
aim of inspiring mystical pursuits. anything's possible.

#" [the Goetia] is likely a rather an unworkable utility.

it doesn't seem like the easiest route to practical ends, no.

# ...a magician (or witch) skilled in these areas could
# potentially manifest a coherent mental production ....

mental productions are pretty easy to manifest, it turns out.

# If so then (I suspect) the dichotomy of 'real and unreal'
# needs to be removed from the Goetia in order for the
# magician/witch to establish that programmatic space
# whence the magician/witch would work from.

there's a 'Place Between the Worlds' in Neopaganism and
in the world of Doctor Strange ("The In-Betweener").
the ritual geometry cuts out something in-between.

# ...it is not the sort of system I would choice to use.

that's for the best. :>

2004-08-31 22:20:15 UTC
nocTifer <***@nagasiva> wrote in message news:<1UWYc.11231$

Post by nocTifer
# ...a magician (or witch) skilled in these areas could
# potentially manifest a coherent mental production ....
mental productions are pretty easy to manifest, it turns out.
Yes, though not quite so easy as having the said mental production,
inclusive of a sort of cosmology/system as revealed by the Goetia -
which is what we are talking about <g>
Post by nocTifer
# If so then (I suspect) the dichotomy of 'real and unreal'
# needs to be removed from the Goetia in order for the
# magician/witch to establish that programmatic space
# whence the magician/witch would work from.
there's a 'Place Between the Worlds' in Neopaganism and
in the world of Doctor Strange ("The In-Betweener").
the ritual geometry cuts out something in-between.
Oh yes, Doc Strange, the Second series <chuckle> hmm… Yes the space
we are referring to, "Of between real & unreal" and that as described
by your "In-Betweener" example still requires a ritual geometry (of
sorts) in order to manifest.

In fact i would go as far to propose that basic 'ABC of magick' (I.e:
Triangle, Circle, Square) holds true in every universe. IMO without
the conjunction with ritual geometry within such cosmologies, it is
probably impossible for the magician to experience the programmatic
space we are discussing here. I don't see how or why the Goetia would
be any different.

So to clarify your point, when you say that "the ritual geometry cuts
out to something in-between" would you say that though the geometric
space changes into some thing else in between, that this:
(a) Is dependent upon the forms with the cosmological space and
(b) For the magician to have a conscious experience of these spheres,
that the geometry should at least be contained with(in) oneself?
Post by nocTifer
# ...it is not the sort of system I would choice to use.
that's for the best. :>
You regard diabolic entities (demons) within the Goetia as fitting
work for the best? Seems a bit messy! ;->

Appendum: To Tommy D and Gnome d Plume. I will quote from my book 'Et
Custosi Tutelae First Magicks' which touches upon this subject and is
further expressed in ECT Book-7 'Working with High Magick'

"Magicians are unable to express reality. Without falsehood. Know
that while the writings of even the best of the High Magicians can be
very misleading, though they are never totally false! For those who
have ears to see with; and eyes to hear with, even the most apparently
misleading writings can reveal much about life, the universe and
everything. … [snip] … The magician of the Tarocchi is a skilled
craftsman, but he is also a charlatan. He is ready to fold up his
table and scarper as soon as the village constable comes in sight.
But know this; although the magician uses sleight of hand, there is
always a reality behind his illusions!" eoq ECT Book-1

I think this can be said true of the language Nagasiva uses <g>

Oh ECT Book-1 'First Magicks' is available from
(just in case anyone is interested)

Jean de Cabalis
2004-09-01 05:51:18 UTC
Post by Whareatua
"Magicians are unable to express reality. Without falsehood. Know
that while the writings of even the best of the High Magicians can be
very misleading, though they are never totally false! For those who
have ears to see with; and eyes to hear with, even the most apparently
misleading writings can reveal much about life, the universe and
Ears to see with and eyes to hear with...shouldn't that be reversed...or
is that part of your point? :)
2004-09-02 05:01:17 UTC
Post by Asiya
Post by Whareatua
"Magicians are unable to express reality. Without falsehood. Know
that while the writings of even the best of the High Magicians can be
very misleading, though they are never totally false! For those who
have ears to see with; and eyes to hear with, even the most apparently
misleading writings can reveal much about life, the universe and
Ears to see with and eyes to hear with...shouldn't that be reversed...or
is that part of your point? :)
xxx ;-)
2004-09-08 07:45:36 UTC
50040907 viii om

#># If so then (I suspect) the dichotomy of 'real and unreal'
#># needs to be removed from the Goetia in order for the
#># magician/witch to establish that programmatic space
#># whence the magician/witch would work from.

#> there's a 'Place Between the Worlds' in Neopaganism and
#> in the world of Doctor Strange ("The In-Betweener").
#> the ritual geometry cuts out something in-between.

***@snap.net.nz (Whareatua):
# ...the space we are referring to, "Of between real & unreal"
# and that as described by your "In-Betweener" example still
# requires a ritual geometry (of sorts) in order to manifest.

the ritual geometry discussed (a circle) segments with a ring
a given surface area or cylindrical space. sometimes this is
conceived as forming a cone or egg shape. 'Cone of Power' is
a name often given to the result of circle consortiums. the
goetic triangle constraining the spirit contains a circle too.

#> the ritual geometry cuts out to something in-between

my intended comment:
the ritual geometry cuts out something in-between.

a Circle made is a permanent incision we make for valued
purposes, a type of interface and containment chamber.
it is that something in-between which allows interface,
using something identifying, directly, of the spirit.
its presence is manifold and varied in purpose, but it
is often seems for powerful support and containment.

# would you say that though the geometric space changes
# into some thing else in between, that this:
# (a) Is dependent upon the forms with the cosmological space and

programmatic space (a condition of an individual's consciousness)
is different, categorically, than cosmological space, at least by
a factor of containment (cosmologies contain individuals). what you
may be trying to say about geometric space here (something I'm not
entirely sure I understand) I'll try to guess at. there's a geometric
boundary-layer between the worlds, in this model, whose cosmological
components may combine to create programmatic spaces of some value,
and these are associated directly with this boundary-layer or seal.

the forms within the cosmological space would be important for
extremely technical, precise, possibly ceremonial affairs. in
expedient conclusion of necessary tasks, tools may be spoofed,
but the degree of substitution may determine the outcome.

# (b) For the magician to have a conscious experience of these
# spheres, that the geometry should at least be contained
# with(in) oneself?

a film called 'Lawnmower Man' depicted a kind of geometric
absorption through optic nerve and brain stimulation. magical
seals and mystical figures from around the world were part of
this mad-but-well-meaning scientist's experiments with new tech
on a neighborhood orphan (gross!! with priest-whips-boy scenes
from the orphan's horrible past and subjugation to neighborhood
bullies; plus deaths of animals! horrrible! Sibo Man!!!!) going
from Charly and Algernon's Flowers to new heights of deformity
and Frankensteinian delight (enough for a Part 2, nuff sed).

#># ...it is not the sort of system I would choice to use.
#> that's for the best. :>
# You regard diabolic entities (demons) within the Goetia
# as fitting work for the best?

pagan gods, figments of people's imaginations? this is work
for extreme weirdos. it is "for the best" that this is not
the sort of system you would choose. :> it's fit for very
extreme dualists or whacky Neopagans who have the chutzpah
and the wherewithall to practice it. my aim is pacifist.

# Seems a bit messy! ;->

let's hope not!

#$ ...quote from my book 'Et Custosi Tutelae First Magicks':
#$ "Magicians are unable to express reality [without] falsehood. Know
#$ that while the writings of even the best of the High Magicians can be
#$ very misleading, ...they are never totally false! For those who have
#$ ears to see with; and eyes to hear with, even the most apparently
#$ misleading writings can reveal much about life, the universe and
#$ everything. ...The magician of the Tarocchi is a skilled craftsman,
#$ but he is also a charlatan. He is ready to fold up his table and
#$ [scamper] as soon as the village constable comes in sight. But know
#$ this; although the magician uses sleight of hand, there is always a
#$ reality behind his illusions!" eoq ECT Book-1
# I think this can be said true of the language Nagasiva uses <g>

LOL! thanks.

# Oh ECT Book-1 'First Magicks' is available from
# http://www.ebookmall.com/ebook/83341-ebook.htm
# (just in case anyone is interested)

thanks again. serpentine tongues are spoken of in similar fashion.
demons, devils, the cthonic and reptilian is ever a part of the
New Untrustworthy, whose existence humans increasingly threaten.

r B
o l b
n e e
w s a
o s s
d e t
e d !
***@nagasiva; http://www.satanservice.org/
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