Post by Dan SimperHelp! Evil cultists are chasing me and want to cut off my genitals !
What can I do to stop them ?
Every month or so, using a fictitious name, this troll floods 5000
newsgroups (all cross-posted to a single low-traffic but unrelated
newsgroup) with superficially relevant comments. The purpose is to
disrupt with off-topic crosspostings.
Like all trolls, he means to annoy and disrupt. The tracking newsgroup is
the way he "keeps score" of how much damage he has caused. Don't put
yourself on display in his trophy case. Like all trolls, the way to handle
him is to IGNORE him.
Browse the is.matur newsgroup, his current score card, for Dan Simper.
Browse the scot.tld newsgroup, his current score card, for Bruno Beam.
He is known as the "anagram troll" because his fictitious names are often
discovered to be anagrams (for example "Dan Simper" is an anagram of "spare
mind", Bruno Beam is an anagram of "Unabomber").
This guy is a serious troll with a serious problem. Don't be one of his