catherine yronwode
2004-11-23 23:25:37 UTC
Could there be some kind of connection in the 'processes'?
Interesting question... and you'll get some interestingresponses here, I think... mainly because "voodoo dolls"
are somewhere far from the mental maps of most.
First off... "voodoo dolls" is a misnomer. Voodoo is a
religion concerned with the relationship of humans to "Loas",
spirits that relate to the memory and myths of ancestors.
However, there is a recurring theme in folk magic from
around the world that involves making a "magical link"
to another person or object or situation, in order to
influence it. (Interestingly enough, this is more common
in European traditions than in Voodoo, tho it does occur
there. The "doll" is a European thing, mostly.) The link
is created, these folk ways tell us, in a couple of
different ways. One is by the use of something that has
been in contact with the object (an idea that quantum
physicists have been working with, too). The other is by
creating similarity, something that matches or parallels
the object. Perhaps that's what you were hoping to explore?
Does this work? That's another question. There's much more
to be said on the idea of the magical link... but let's
see what this little bit engenders.
have with what you wrote is that in my opinion, working with dolls is
culturally more universal and less Euro-centered than you imply. I
have samples of spells from ancient India, for instance, in which a
doll is made of pressed together sticky rice and used in
love-engendering. Also, there are old-time African American spells
that mention working with "doll-babies" (the usual term in use before
the inaccurate "voodoo doll" phrase came into vogue in the wake of
Robert Tallant's imaginatively inflammatory book "Voodoo in New
Orleans"). For instance, the 19th century African America sex magician
Paschal Beverly Randolph described working with "a ten cent doll" to
influence a target individual.
As for mirroring, this is a complex subject, because the word "mirror"
itself is applied to at least three classes of magical act:
1) The use of mirrored (physically reflected, a.k.a. modelled)
gestures and forms of speech to gain the confidence and acquiescence
of a target individual arguably has more affinity to Neuro-Linguistic
Programming than to magic. However, outside of NLP, the body language
modelling technique is explained as a tool of the fictional
magico-political sisterhood called the Bene Gesserit in Frank
Herbert's novel "Dune" -- and significantly, a google search on the
seemingly improbable keyword combination < Bene Gesserit NLP > yields
a number of interesting sites. By absorption from both sources -- NLP
and science fiction -- mirroring has emerged as a technique utilized
in Chaos Magic. However, it does not involve the use of dolls per se.
2) The use of physical mirrors to reflect back spell work is typically
a form of reversal (not revenge) engaged to return evil intentions to
a malevolent enemy, to ward off incidental, non-intentional jealousy
(the evil eye), or or to reflect back disadvantageous placement with
regard to the landscape (arrows of sha). The use of mirrors in these
contexts are found all around the world. Examples can be found among
the Kalbeliya Gypsies of India
(see ),
in Chinese Feng Shui, and in African American hoodoo, where mirrors
are frequently used as a base upon which to burn candles marked with
the name of the offending person written *backwards* -- and when the
candles thus used are "image" candles (human figural candles, either
naked or clothed), there is a succinct identification between the
doll-baby and the mirror-working.
3) The use of physical mirrors for scrying is, from one point of view,
merely a form of trance divination -- but energetically speaking, the
technique is predicated upon the literal mirroring of events occurring
elsewhere or elsewhen (including in spirit realms and future worlds in
potentia) into a physical mirror, which images are then seen by the
scryer and interpreted for the purposes of divination. Interestingly
enough, one of the greatest mirror scryers, and the author of a
definitive volume on the subject, was the afore-mentioned Paschal
Beverly Randolph, who also advocated the use of the "ten cent doll" in
magical operations.
cat yronwode
news:alt.lucky.w -- discussions on folk magic, luck, amulets, charms