Study Questions (alt.magicK kreEePing oOze Ref4)
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2004-12-21 09:16:11 UTC
50041221 viii om

theory and secular practice only; ethics, religion ignored (snipped w/out note).

in response to query, stipulated is the following:

character of query's possible referent(s),
where known, in relation to occult practice

> A. Theory 1. General
> a. basic
> What is magic?

process, object, fuel, power, influence
conducted through symbolic means
to achieve intentional effect, when desired.

> What can one achieve with magic?

process/procedure, method, instrument, catalyst

> Is it real?

ontological as compared with merely conceptual

> Is magic a science, an art, both or neither?


> Why do some people use a 'k' to spell magick?

characterization, discipline

> c. operations
> How can I summon a demon and have it obey me?


> How can I make someone else love me?

folk and planetary

> How can I remove a curse?


> B. Magicians and Their Studies

sociological category

> How do I learn to do magic?

formal activity, practical discipline,
artistic style, mysticoreligious standard

> Do I need an instructor?

conveyable, tutelage-incorporating, traditional,
lineages, degrees, license, consensus-evaluation

> What is the relationship between student and teacher supposed to be?

sociological standard

> What are the usual pitfalls of magical work,

interruptable or faultily performed skill-informed weakness.

> and what common, recognizable
> stages do magicians go through in the course of magical training?

psychosocial, shamanic, mysticoreligious.

> What is the basis for secrecy

sociological, relational

> and why do some magicians abide by it?

sociological, psychological

> Are magical oaths necessary and/or useful?


left for later:
> C. History
> a. General
> What is the first reliable record of magical operations?

note: there's got to be more for this category.

> D. Disciplines
> What is divination?
> (i.e. astrology, tarot, i ching, feng shui, runework)


oracular technique

> What is sex magic?
> What is tantra? Are tantra and sex magic related?

orgia technia

> What is alchemy and how is it related to magic?

my latest theory: alchemy is a type or form of magic.

this categorical stipulation is based primarily
on the fact of the symbolism employed indicating
mysticoreligious objectives and suggesting both
material *and* experiential transubstantiation_

> What is ceremonial magic?

categorical, sociocultural

> F. Magical tools
> What is a magical tool?

character, resultant aim, morphological

> What are common magical tools and how are they used?
> (i.e. wand/staff, cup/chalice, sword, pentacle, dagger, scourge, cord,
> candle, incense, perfume, salt, herbs and stones.)

pragmatic, formulaic

> What are sigils and how are they used?

expressed amuletic power in graphic form_

> What are magic(k) squares?

character (as standard to magic squares by Andrews,
Agrippa, Indians, Chinese, etc.)

> What is a talisman? How are they created and used?

ontological, morphological, sociocultural

> What are the elements/etc. called and how are they used?

psychosocial, ontological, metaphysical

> What role do psychoactive substances play in magical practice?

function, tradition, character, achievement

> Where can I find the Necronomicon? ....

librilocational, paranoiacal

> I. References
> What's a good beginning reading list for a person interested in magic?

academic, artistic, ceremonial

> What's a good beginning reading list for a person interested in mysticism?

experiential, psychosocial, theological, meditative

2005-01-09 10:06:06 UTC
50050109 viii om

additional construction prior to integration of prev posts.


The Art and all manner of magical practice;
ethics, religion ignored (snipped w/out note).

in response to query, stipulated is the following:

character of query's possible referent(s),
where known, in relation to occult practice;
plus occasional notes as project progresses.

resonance-generation to holographic query-based analysis



A. The Art
B. Magicians and Their Studies
C. History
D. Disciplines
E. Magical tools
F. Reference

A. The Art
1. General
a. basic

What is magic?

process, object, fuel, power, influence
conducted through symbolic means
to achieve intentional effect, when desired.

What can one achieve with magic?

process/procedure, method, instrument, catalyst, lever

Is it real?

ontologically-substantive as compared with merely conceptual
effecting some predictable change

b. categorization

Is magic a science, an art, both or neither?

Why do some people use a 'k' to spell magick?

characterization, discipline, convention, etymology;
inventiveness: 'kteis' neo-tantric abd-worship

2. Practice

function, actuality

a. operations

How can I summon a demon and have it obey me?


How can I make someone else love me?

folk, planetary, manipulative

How can I remove a curse?


b. initiations

What are included in initiations?

function, metaphysics, sociological

What is the timing and context for the rite?

3. References

How can I be admitted into the proper order of adepti?

sociologic, sociomystical

How can I meet my sacred messenger and be initiated by hir?

mysticoreligious, mediumistic, qabalistic

What arcane tomes are the repository of human magical power?

ontological, energetic, initiatory

What are the best books about magic?

B. Magicians and Their Studies

sociological category

1. Education

How do I learn to do magic?

formal activity, practical discipline,
artistic style, mysticoreligious standard

Do I need an instructor?

conveyable, tutelage-incorporating, traditional,
lineages, degrees, license, consensus-evaluation

What is the relationship between student and teacher supposed to be?

sociological standard

What are the usual pitfalls of magical work,

interruptable or faultily performed skill-informed weakness.

2. Career, Process, Work, Operation

What common, recognizable
stages do magicians go through in the course of magical training?

psychosocial, shamanic, mysticoreligious.

What is the basis for secrecy and why do some magicians abide by it?

sociological, relational, psychological

Are magical oaths necessary and/or useful?

function, sociological

C. History
a. General
What is the first reliable record of magical operations?

anthropological, historical

Who first made magic and why?

personal, mythological

What records of magic are reliable?

epistemologic, application

What can history tell us about practice?

achievements, methods

D. Disciplines

What is divination?

... what are astrology, tarot, i ching, feng shui, runework....

oracular technique

What is ritual?

...what are purification? banishing? mass? circle?

magical implementation in dramatic rite

What is sex magic?
What is tantra? Are tantra and sex magic related?

orgia technia, mysticoreligious, ecstatic

What is alchemy and how is it related to magic?

[note: it seems alchemy is a type or form of magic;
this categorical stipulation is based primarily
on the fact of the symbolism employed indicating
mysticoreligious objectives and suggesting both
material *and* experiential transubstantiation.

What is ceremonial magic (e.g. the Great Work)?

categorical, sociocultural

E. Magical tools

What is a magical tool?

character, resultant aim, morphological

What are common magical tools and how are they used?
(i.e. wand/staff, cup/chalice, sword, pentacle, dagger, scourge, cord,
candle, oil, powder, incense, perfume, salt, herbs and stones.)

pragmatic, formulaic

What are sigils and how are they used?

expressed amuletic power in graphic form_

What are magic(k) squares?

character (as standard to magic squares by Andrews,
Agrippa, Indians, Chinese, etc.)

What is a talisman? How are they created and used?

ontological, morphological, sociocultural

What are the elements/etc. called and how are they used?

psychosocial, ontological, metaphysical

What role do psychoactive substances play in magical practice?

function, tradition, character, achievement

Where can I find the Necronomicon? ....

librilocational, paranoiacal

F. Reference

Does reading things help one to learn about magic?

functional, process, educatory

What's a good beginning reading list for a person interested in magic?

academic, artistic, ceremonial

What's a good beginning reading list for a person interested in mysticism?

experiential, psychosocial, theological, meditative

What are good key terms to use in search engines?


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