Ritual Daggers/Knives ('Athames')
(too old to reply)
2003-12-27 11:37:08 UTC
50031227 vii om 333am

Daven <***@priest.com>:
#> I don't understand the debate between having a Sharp Athame
#> and having a Dull Athame.

it is only a debate amongst those who use the same ritual tools.

beyond this, cult requirements for purpose of instruction and
initiation are conducive to conformist temperance (once you are
through with your instruction, do what the fuck you want, and
thenceforth know what is considered 'traditional' form).
some orders or covens are stricter than others.

#> I know that Gardnerism demands a dull one,

I'm sure Ive known Gardnerians with sharp-edged blades.

#> but what are the essential points on both sides of this problem?

utility and magical symbolism.

***@newstaff.com (Baird Stafford):
# Dull athame: 1) the symbolism is enough to work Magically; 2) dull
# athames stand little chance of cutting other coveners by accident in
# Circle. Remember that Gardnerian Wicca prefers covens to solitary
# practice.

wonderfully-put. I may have been influenced by Gardnerians toward
the dull. some nonetheless class the athame with the ceremonial
dagger or sword, and I've seen Wiccans use single, sometimes
double-edged athames in their rites. these were often marked in
a specific and traditional way, sometimes reserved for covenwork,
as esbats (lunar, feminine, secret, especially personal rites),
or specific rituals (weddings, some sabbats, etc.). I've heard
witches claim that an edge *was* necessary since drawn blood
was always some part of their rite, a blade's sharpness the
best guard from scars, or as part of the blade's initiation.

Ritual Use

the primary use I recall for Wiccan rites was the Great Rite
and quite often for making and concluding Circles.

magical purposes for my athame I can recall include (combining
uses of blade and wand):
-- causing change at distance (POINTING)
-- exertion of force at a point (PIERCING)
-- effecting a lateral slice (SEVERING)
-- mixing within a narrow jar (STIRRING)
-- leveraging against a weight (PRYING)
and I've seen blades used by others for most of these in spells.

duller duties have included: stirring or serving incense unto
the brazier, maneuver of heated metals such as the top of the
Thurible (whose proximity to the charcoal makes it unhandleable),
digging wax out of candle-holders, opening paper and plastic
packaging, and stirring coals or clearing ash. within my worship
most often I use my athame as a lever within which to prop
incense (its oval empty handle and angle of bend ideal for
this use on the Kali's altar).

one of my oldest ceremonial and magical tools, a letter-opener,
still unnamed, after more than a decade of use within clerical
environs and at least that many more ritual use.

Dimensions and Levered Use -- Diagram A

| < ----------------- my hand span 8" -------------------> |

.-----------------------------/ ______________________ \
i <================---------------------< (slot 2" long) > |
`-----------------------------\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
| | my |
| | <-- index finger ----> |
| | length 3" |


u s r
t ~ r ~ o
o ~ ~ o ~ ~ s e
l ~ ~ ~ \
~ \
\ <-- incense stick (The Mother's!)
point \
| \
| ------------------------- <-- handle
| athame resting on altar edge --> / \ 4-----------------h
E> --------------------------------/ \ | |
______________________________________________\| <-- inner altar|table edge

Symbolism and Overall Markings

the symbolism of each seems to hinge on the form of the tool.
its edge is often associated with discursive thought. compare
tarot suit of swords. as spades, this is attributed to elemental
qualities of Air, and to Metal, and Earth (even at times to Fire).
its Martial qualities seem in part dependent upon the size and
use (swords selected for the most aggressive or solemn rites).

an association with Air might thus be given it, though Fire and
Earth seem as associated by virtue of this ceremonial purpose.
I'm fond of cinquential symbolism after the Taoists, arguably
more compatably natural as it includes Wood, a value evident
to the Faere. that these blades are of Metal may predispose
such an elemental association. my own athame's shape and
ornamentation. it is steel, as yet unscribed, I'm considering
inscriptions, but its crafted markings are already lovely and
simple. it's oval and arrow characteristics resonate to
numerically Venusian and Babalonian harmonics (septenary
and quartononic in character).

directing intended energies to their destinations is my usual
ritual application, more an implement of ceremonial initiation
(as part of censing) or delivering a blow (as part of a curse,
for example) or selection (insertion 'tween pages of a tome or
deck of cards).

Satanic Wiccans may use them for blood pacts and sign with stylus
or quill, preferrably both one's own signature and that of the
demon, if it is available. jagged edges, wavy blades, and those
ornamented with skulls and snakes are common in arcane shops,
so I presume these are valued at least as part of solitary rites.
danger and gravity are sometimes conveyed by such blades ritually,
their menace as much an addition to the rite (intensity of emotion
if not active guardianship or inversion-sanctity) as thier function.

the most exalted and renowned athames are probably named, famous
within traditions of their implementation, and cherished of use.
a goodly number presume sentience of the ritual weapon, and may
issue it communications, orders, requests, or words of power,
ask for its power, blessing, or essential unity with some god.


always within my Circle, I don't need to cut one out, slicing
out sacred space. the athames I've seen used for such things
was often edged and sharp. their symbolism being incision,
and the severing aspect of reason, self-awareness, rationality.
when using edged ritual blades, I cut my skin for blood, which
is forbidden by some witches, who must wash, perhaps even
dispose of their athames if blood is accidentally drawn.

subsuming what could be considered a Martian magical weapon
to strongly Venusian symbolism and humble ritual purpose with
infrequent deadly aim (as to thieves), my athame reflects a
practice of passion placed in service to the least harmful,
a focus on the mundane (terracentric). its residence within
the cremation grounds on Kali's altar brings its purpose into
clearer context. the Mad Mother Kali's martial and geburic
qualities are known by devotees in their maternal, protective
modes, and my worship of Her includes a reassuring, appeasing
quality suitable for ritually serving the Queen of Demons.

blessed beast!

right now my athame has fudge all over it.
I suppose this might imply XI' workings. :>
***@nagasiva; http://www.satanservice.org/
emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired;
HOODOO CATALOGUE! send street addy to: ***@luckymojo.com
catherine yronwode
2003-12-27 22:44:05 UTC
Post by lorax666
#> I don't understand the debate between having a Sharp Athame
#> and having a Dull Athame.
it is only a debate amongst those who use the same ritual tools.
As far as i know, the debate is limited to folks practicing
formal or informal forms of Wicca. Most others who use a dagger
in ritual work, employ an "as-found" or "as-purchased" or
"as-made" dagger, which would most likely be sharp -- unless, as
below, they selected a tool that, as-made was dull-edged.
Post by lorax666
beyond this, cult requirements for purpose of instruction and
initiation are conducive to conformist temperance [...]
some orders or covens are stricter than others.
And the "debate" is thus posed between different groups who
follow different leaders.
Post by lorax666
#> I know that Gardnerism demands a dull one,
I'm sure Ive known Gardnerians with sharp-edged blades.
I have heard that a dull athame is a requirement in Gardnerian
Wicca, but i have seen some fairly sharp "dull" ones. Not
razor-blade sharp, but far more than butter-knife sharp. Also, i
have seen some of the modern "fantasy knives" used as athames.
Post by lorax666
#> but what are the essential points on both sides of this problem?
utility and magical symbolism.
# Dull athame: 1) the symbolism is enough to work Magically; 2) dull
# athames stand little chance of cutting other coveners by accident in
# Circle. Remember that Gardnerian Wicca prefers covens to solitary
# practice.
wonderfully-put. I may have been influenced by Gardnerians toward
the dull. some nonetheless class the athame with the ceremonial
dagger or sword, and I've seen Wiccans use single, sometimes
double-edged athames in their rites. these were often marked in
a specific and traditional way, sometimes reserved for covenwork,
as esbats (lunar, feminine, secret, especially personal rites),
or specific rituals (weddings, some sabbats, etc.). I've heard
witches claim that an edge *was* necessary since drawn blood
was always some part of their rite, a blade's sharpness the
best guard from scars, or as part of the blade's initiation.
The dull athame and the dull sword of Ren Faire goers are
equivalent in my mind -- as baird said above, the idea may be to
protect coveners from careless handling.

As for symbolism, i don't resonate with using a symbolically
sharp instrument that has been deliberately dulled. However, i
personally use a Tibetan purbu (a triangular-bladed so-called
"demon dagger") -- and those are made with dull edges, so i am at
least sticking to the "as-made" paradigm.
Post by lorax666
Ritual Use
the primary use I recall for Wiccan rites was the Great Rite
and quite often for making and concluding Circles.
magical purposes for my athame I can recall include (combining
-- causing change at distance (POINTING)
-- exertion of force at a point (PIERCING)
-- effecting a lateral slice (SEVERING)
-- mixing within a narrow jar (STIRRING)
-- leveraging against a weight (PRYING)
and I've seen blades used by others for most of these in spells.
I would add

-- drawing visible or invisible images or sigils (MARKING)
-- destruction of a terma or thought-form (PUNCTURING)
Post by lorax666
duller duties have included: stirring or serving incense unto
the brazier, maneuver of heated metals such as the top of the
Thurible (whose proximity to the charcoal makes it unhandleable),
digging wax out of candle-holders, opening paper and plastic
packaging, and stirring coals or clearing ash. within my worship
most often I use my athame as a lever within which to prop
incense (its oval empty handle and angle of bend ideal for
this use on the Kali's altar).
To which i will add: cleaning out a smoking pipe and tamping or
packing smoking materials into a pipe.
Post by lorax666
one of my oldest ceremonial and magical tools, a letter-opener,
still unnamed, after more than a decade of use within clerical
environs and at least that many more ritual use.
In addition to my purba, which i have owned and used as an athame
for 30 years now, i also class as an athame the "magic
screwdriver" we use in the Lucky Mojo lab for many of the things
listed above (not package opening, though) and which also has the
added use of packing herbs, seeds, and roots down into
small-mouthed bottles.
Post by lorax666
Dimensions and Levered Use -- Diagram A
| < ----------------- my hand span 8" -------------------> |
.-----------------------------/ ______________________ \
i <================---------------------< (slot 2" long) > |
`-----------------------------\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
| | my |
| | <-- index finger ----> |
| | length 3" |
u s r
t ~ r ~ o
o ~ ~ o ~ ~ s e
l ~ ~ ~ \
~ \
\ <-- incense stick (The Mother's!)
point \
| \
| ------------------------- <-- handle
| athame resting on altar edge --> / \ 4-----------------h
E> --------------------------------/ \ | |
______________________________________________\| <-- inner altar|table edge
Nice ASCII art!
Post by lorax666
Symbolism and Overall Markings
the symbolism of each seems to hinge on the form of the tool.[...]
the most exalted and renowned athames are probably named, famous
within traditions of their implementation, and cherished of use.
a goodly number presume sentience of the ritual weapon, and may
issue it communications, orders, requests, or words of power,
ask for its power, blessing, or essential unity with some god.
The naming of one's ritual tools is an old-time tradition
associated with weapons that Tolkien mentioned in LOTR and the
Hobbit and that fans of Tolkien from the science fiction /
fantasy community certainly popularized in then-nascent
Neo-Paganism in the 1960s.
Post by lorax666
right now my athame has fudge all over it.
I suppose this might imply XI' workings. :>
LOL! You Scorpio!

cat yronwode

Lucky W Amulet Archive --------- http://www.luckymojo.com/luckyw.html
2003-12-28 00:47:45 UTC
50031227 vii om Tweendays!!!
Post by catherine yronwode
As for symbolism, i don't resonate with using a symbolically
sharp instrument that has been deliberately dulled. However, i
personally use a Tibetan purbu (a triangular-bladed so-called
"demon dagger") -- and those are made with dull edges, so i am at
least sticking to the "as-made" paradigm.
is its primary focus distribution, directing, pointing?
Post by catherine yronwode
In addition to my purba, which i have owned and used as an
athame for 30 years now, i also class as an athame the "magic
screwdriver" we use in the Lucky Mojo lab for many of the things
listed above (not package opening, though) and which also has the
added use of packing herbs, seeds, and roots down into
small-mouthed bottles.
I've enjoyed using that screwdriver also, and noted its power
and form in similarity to my letter opener.
Post by catherine yronwode
Nice ASCII art!
thanks! :>
Post by catherine yronwode
The naming of one's ritual tools is an old-time tradition
associated with weapons that Tolkien mentioned in LOTR and the
Hobbit and that fans of Tolkien from the science fiction /
fantasy community certainly popularized in then-nascent
Neo-Paganism in the 1960s.
and Arthurian swords and magical chalices? there's the Spear
of Destiny, the Book of Power (in a variety of manifestations),
and of course the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. :> post-Tolkien
DnD players placed a good deal of emphasis on names and distinct
personalities of magical objects, weapons and gems in particular,
and this was also a reflection of the 'eyes' or amulets of other
fictional mages.
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by lorax666
right now my athame has fudge all over it.
I suppose this might imply XI' workings. :>
LOL! You Scorpio!

2003-12-28 02:17:22 UTC
Post by nagasiva
50031227 vii om Tweendays!!!
Post by catherine yronwode
As for symbolism, i don't resonate with using a symbolically
sharp instrument that has been deliberately dulled. However, i
personally use a Tibetan purbu (a triangular-bladed so-called
"demon dagger") -- and those are made with dull edges, so i am at
least sticking to the "as-made" paradigm.
is its primary focus distribution, directing, pointing?
I most often use my right index finger as my dagger/pointer. It's
always there, always ready.

But in some cases, where I want an actual blade, I've been using my
NRA Millenium Member folding knife with 3" blade. The handle is
somewhat yellowish off-white. Worked wonders in a Mars ritual last

(I cut myself fairly deeply with it on my palm, intending to draw
blood. None came forth....during the ritual. The wound started to
bleed only *after* I completed the ritual!)

Someday perhaps I'll get a double edged blade for this purpose. In
which case, no "symbolically sharp instrument that has been
deliberately dulled".

Semi-related story on the use of sharp weapons:

A guy I knew in Karate came in with one of those "Highlander" swords,
very sharp, intending to work on a sword form. He was only a Blue
Belt (a little more advanced than a Green Belt) and had no business
doing this in the first place.

Despite being told to put it away, despite being told never to bring
it into the classroom again, he insisted on doing so.

The second time, he slipped up and imbedded it in his right shin. A
nice hack on the front of his leg.

At this point, he was warned that bringing the sword again would
result in his permanent expulsion.

Brett (He's just some guy, you know?)

"Fair" is a Human Ideological Concept.
2003-12-28 07:23:05 UTC
Post by catherine yronwode
As for symbolism, i don't resonate with using a symbolically
sharp instrument that has been deliberately dulled. However, i
personally use a Tibetan purbu (a triangular-bladed so-called
"demon dagger") -- and those are made with dull edges, so i am at
least sticking to the "as-made" paradigm.
My 'banishing' dagger (as opposed to an Air dagger) isn't "as made" but
"as acquired". It's a W.W.II-vintage Wilkinson Sword "F-S Fighting
Knife": knurled brass grip, blacked steel blade with very sharp edges.
But at some time in its history it lost a couple of centimetres from the
tip (whether in somebody's ribs or more prosaically, e.g. from jimmying
a lock, I have no idea); although the broken end has been ground to a
symmetrical point it's fairly rounded and quite dull. I rather like the
symbolism for the purpose in that it cuts to either side but, like a
broadsword, would be fairly harmless in a direct thrust -- just the
converse of your weapon. The lack of a sharp point has also been an
important safety factor on occasion ...
Joseph Littleshoes
2003-12-28 18:10:33 UTC
Post by Odysseus
Post by catherine yronwode
As for symbolism, i don't resonate with using a symbolically
sharp instrument that has been deliberately dulled. However, i
personally use a Tibetan purbu (a triangular-bladed so-called
"demon dagger") -- and those are made with dull edges, so i am at
least sticking to the "as-made" paradigm.
My 'banishing' dagger (as opposed to an Air dagger) isn't "as made" but
"as acquired". It's a W.W.II-vintage Wilkinson Sword "F-S Fighting
Knife": knurled brass grip, blacked steel blade with very sharp edges.
But at some time in its history it lost a couple of centimetres from the
tip (whether in somebody's ribs or more prosaically, e.g. from
a lock, I have no idea); although the broken end has been ground to a
symmetrical point it's fairly rounded and quite dull. I rather like the
symbolism for the purpose in that it cuts to either side but, like a
broadsword, would be fairly harmless in a direct thrust -- just the
converse of your weapon. The lack of a sharp point has also been an
important safety factor on occasion ...
Capt. Kirk: "Swords on stun Mr. Spock!"

Mr. Spock: "Aye Sir."
Post by Odysseus
2003-12-29 09:09:45 UTC
50031229 vii om Mary Meat!!

sri catyananda <***@luckymojo.com>:
# As far as i know, the debate is limited to folks practicing
# formal or informal forms of Wicca.

in the sense you mean it you are of course correct. I suppose
ceremonial magicians might not quibble about it due to their
lax standards, or Sikhs, etc. if you're just talking about
people what call their ritual blades 'athames' then we're
basically into Wiccan disputes, and I'll focus on that here.

my point was that the only *legitimate* (informal Wiccan!)
debate is between people using the same tools. the reason
that I say this is that as far as I am concerned, no
expression of authority from a Neopagan carries any weight
that extends outside some official rite put on for somebody's
coven. the parallel can be seen when looking at Thelemic
'Gnostic Masses' and delineations about what "must" be done
at them by orders like the (c)OTO (the authority only comes
into play when the rite is 'under the auspices of' them, and
those who put on whacky nonstandard Gnostic Masses gno this).

i.e. beyond the bounds of 'doing initiations' or whatever other
kinds of official rituals that are supposed to be traditionally
performed, there is no call for interfering in the personal
practice of anyone else, whether one is a Wiccan or some other
kind of Neopagan or witch. these fundamentalist notions I would
oppose as post-Christian and a waste of all our time. not only
this, they fly in the face of contentions I've heard from the
best Wiccan/Neopagan Elders that I've ever known (who were very
conservative about where their religion intruded on individuals).
*in*formal disputes were misplaced and contrary to the Rede
when it wasn't an issue of pragmatism.

# Most others who use a dagger
# in ritual work, employ an "as-found" or "as-purchased" or
# "as-made" dagger, which would most likely be sharp -- unless, as
# below, they selected a tool that, as-made was dull-edged.


#> beyond this, cult requirements for purpose of instruction and
#> initiation are conducive to conformist temperance [...]
#> some orders or covens are stricter than others.

# And the "debate" is thus posed between different groups who
# follow different leaders.

not always. there really are post-Christian Neopagans who want
to circumscribe the practices of others with their limited ideas
of 'what makes a Wiccan' or 'what one must do to be a Witch'.

the issue is more one of authority and how it develops and may
be defused. most of the Neopagans that I've ever found any
value in studying with were primarily anarchic when it came to
informal practices, for example, and realized that for purely
practical reasons some kinds of ceremonial and symbolic basic
agreements were helpful. they didn't usually presume these
basic agreements sacrosanct or more valuable than expedient.
that discernment was, to the best of them, 'strictly up to the
gods to decide' (i.e. none of their (or anyone else's) business
other than those who sought mutual usage).

so to the real tools issue.

someone else:
#>#> I know that Gardnerism demands a dull one,
#> demands?
#> I'm sure I've known Gardnerians with sharp-edged blades.

note: I may have been remembering bolines, which are, by the
sources I've just consulted, for practical cutting,
whereas the athame is for directing energies and making
some kind of sacred space in the astral or wherever.

that said, 'demands' doesn't inform us as to context of usage.
presumably it means 'for rites strictly Gardnerian' and I'm
not sure that thisis true (but it wouldn't surprise me).

# I have heard that a dull athame is a requirement in Gardnerian
# Wicca, but i have seen some fairly sharp "dull" ones. Not
# razor-blade sharp, but far more than butter-knife sharp. Also, i
# have seen some of the modern "fantasy knives" used as athames.

that's part of the problem. the issues involved are multiplex.

a) what we've each seen were not official Gardnerian rites.

but there are user-manuals and Outer Court instructions.

b) to my knowledge, standards only pertain to the
formal rites, not to anything else.

this being your initial point, I completely agree, and
this is to a great extent the focus of conversation here.

c) there are multiple *lines* of Gardnerians.

I've encountered mostly Kentucky-line and California-
line Gardnerians and a few Alexandrians. I'm sure that
some standards vary, though I'm not sure which of
these do and whether their particulars may include
any kind of focus on what number of blade-edges or
their relative sharpness are to be used for 'official
rites'. I recall some bit of instruction about the
value of the double-edged blade due to whatever was
associated with it 'cutting both ways'.

but for the hell of it, here are some 'Wiccan' expressions
about athames, and we can figure out if they're Gardnerians
(even some Gardnerians dispute over 'proper initiatory
status', and multiple-line initiations are sometimes
suggested and taken just to be sure!):

Steward Farrar (What Witches Do):
nonspecific as to #-edges,

Scott Cunningham (The Truth.../Wicca, A guide):
single- or double-edged

note: I haven't taken the time to determine if these are
Gardnerians. :> however, they both *did* mention that one
knife should be black-handled (the athame) and that one
should be white (the boline). I'm pretty sure they both
had inscriptions too. otherwise their text conforms in
many ways to what I remembered being instructed, so they
may be some Gardnerian or an offshoot.

so it seems your memory (as usual) was better than mine.
that's why I collect books. if I was really interested
in it I'd get my notes from the class out of the hole. :>
to a certain extent we're talking about unique requirements,
as an extension of an apparently more general claim disputed.

***@newstaff.com (Baird Stafford):
#># Dull athame: 1) the symbolism is enough to work Magically; 2) dull
#># athames stand little chance of cutting other coveners by accident in
#># Circle. Remember that Gardnerian Wicca prefers covens to solitary
#># practice.

often reliable on matters Neopagan, Baird is.

whether lineage Wicca is what *constitutes* Wicca is
the original focus of the thread, and one which will
be discussed elsewhere as this aside settles. :>

blessed beast!

2003-12-29 11:54:42 UTC
<big snip>
Post by catherine yronwode
Nice ASCII art!
Post by lorax666
Symbolism and Overall Markings
the symbolism of each seems to hinge on the form of the tool.[...]
the most exalted and renowned athames are probably named, famous
within traditions of their implementation, and cherished of use.
a goodly number presume sentience of the ritual weapon, and may
issue it communications, orders, requests, or words of power,
ask for its power, blessing, or essential unity with some god.
The naming of one's ritual tools is an old-time tradition
associated with weapons that Tolkien mentioned in LOTR and the
Hobbit and that fans of Tolkien from the science fiction /
fantasy community certainly popularized in then-nascent
Neo-Paganism in the 1960s.
so gary gygax (of d&d fame) didn't make this all up whole cloth? ;)
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by lorax666
right now my athame has fudge all over it.
I suppose this might imply XI' workings. :>
LOL! You Scorpio!
cat yronwode
Lucky W Amulet Archive --------- http://www.luckymojo.com/luckyw.html
catherine yronwode
2003-12-29 12:55:13 UTC
Post by enntea_eightie-seven
Post by catherine yronwode
The naming of one's ritual tools is an old-time tradition
associated with weapons that Tolkien mentioned in LOTR and the
Hobbit and that fans of Tolkien from the science fiction /
fantasy community certainly popularized in then-nascent
Neo-Paganism in the 1960s.
so gary gygax (of d&d fame) didn't make this all up whole cloth? ;)
With a name like Gary Gygax, i used to think that Tolkien made
HIM up -- but who am i to talk, with a name like yronwode?


cat yronwode

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